of Your Money
Now that we know the benefits of work,
and the work ethic of the believer, we can expect to make some money. It naturally follows that from work comes
money. What do we do with our money? How
can the believer who desires to serve God in every area of life, honor God with
money? Proverbs speaks of at least three wise uses of this commodity.
1. Glorify God with Your Money
This is an overall principle. It comes from Proverbs 3:9-10. To "honor
God" is a general reference to the righteous use of money. The word honor also involves "give"
or "pay" (See Isaiah 43:23).
In other words, we are to "give to God with our wealth;” use our
money in a way in which. He would approve.
Notice, nothing specific is said in
this passage. There is, for example, no
reference to the Mosaic Law's requirement of the tithing tax here. It is just a general principle of using your
money righteously (which would include giving today, or tithing then). This does not preclude spending money for
things like entertainment, but it may effect the ways in which we are
entertained. We are to spend our money
with God's own character in view, so that by its use He will be honored. Proverbs does mention some specific ways in
which we can honor the Lord with our money.
2. Generosity, Giving,
and Benevolence
One way to "honor the Lord with
your wealth" is by being benevolent to those who are poor. Read it for yourself in Proverbs 3:27-28 and
11:24-25. Generosity was a sign of
righteousness and an act of one rightly related to the Lord. It fulfills the general principle of Proverbs
Notice in these two passages another
truth: by honoring the Lord with your wealth through generosity the Lord will
honor you! The fact that the Lord is generous to the generous is more clearly
stated in another passage. Read Proverbs
19:17. The Lord repays! Read on in
Proverbs 22:9 and 28:27. This is not
prosperity theology (that if you are a believer He will bless you), but does
confirm the principle in Proverbs 3:5,6 that the Lord takes care of those who
trust in Him.
It is unfortunate that Christians are
not known for their generosity. Our
giving is considered first a tax deduction, and second a burden. We find it difficult enough to give to the church,
let alone ever consider giving to the poor!
What we give is what we don't need; what is left over, rather than being
the "first of all our produce,” Proverbs 3:10.
David and Jeannie were on furlough
from their missionary work in Kenya,
traveling the country to visit and thank those who had supported their
work. One Sunday they walked into a
supportive church wearing what we would consider rags. David had on a badly worn jacket with blown
out pockets and holes in the elbows. Jeanie wore stockings which gathered
around her ankles and had several runs in them.
Her dress was filthy; its color was faded. They began addressing the
congregation by thanking them for their support and for the care packages they
received. "In fact," David
said, "to show our appreciation we thought we would wear for you the
clothes you have sent us."
Christians are cheap. Who would
ever think of getting the size of a missionary and buying them a new coat or
dress. Instead, we give what we don't
need--what we have left over.
Christians today are not known for
their generosity. Yet Proverbs is clear.
One way to "honor the Lord with your wealth" is our generosity,
giving or benevolence.
3. Grow it For the Future
Besides giving, Proverbs also teaches
that the accumulation of money for the future is a legitimate way to
"honor the Lord with your wealth."
But, first, three quick warnings:
Do not
overestimate your financial abilities, Proverbs 28:11. You may need some help.
Do not
overestimate the value of money, Proverbs 11:4,28. Its accumulation is not to
be your preoccupation in life.
Do not
weary yourself to gain riches, Proverbs 23:4,5.
Our efforts are not to be spent pursuing wealth in itself.
So, in addressing the legitimate accumulation of money,
these three warnings should be kept in mind.
If the accumulation of wealth is legitimate, (with these
limitations) then how does the Christian do it? Again, Proverbs is specific in
how to grow money.
A. Be Honest and Diligent in Your Work
These two aspects of the Christian Work
Ethic discussed above also apply here.
Those verses which mention the blessing from honesty and diligence are
certainly one way to grow money. These
are combined in Proverbs 13:11.
B. Minimize Borrowing
Turn to and read Proverbs 22:7. If there ever was a verse addressing the
spendthrift yuppie generation it is this one.
We somehow think we can spend ourselves rich. We want right now what our parents worked a
lifetime for. And there is a quick way
to get it--charge it. So quickly we
mount huge debt. Through the use of
plastic it doesn't even seem like spending money, but a $7,000 or $10,000 limit
is quickly reached. We are financially
enslaved to our bank cards.
Read a very interesting verse,
Proverbs 22:27 - If you have nothing with which to pay, then CHARGE IT! a commercial might say. But not Proverbs; "why should he (the
lender or creditor) take your bed from under you?" It is as if the one with “nothing to pay
with” has used for collateral the very thing which gives sleep, comfort, and
rest. Perhaps it is describing the
sleepless nights spent worrying about the debt accumulated from borrowing. In a figurative way, the creditor has
"taken your bed from under you."
Be careful
with debt. Don't spend more than you
make. If we complain about the huge
federal deficit can we be so two-faced and spend ourselves into debt? If in seeming uncontrolled debt then get some
professional help. Many bankruptcy
attorneys offer methods in family financial planning short of bankruptcy. Seek out some help. The avoidance of debt, or getting our debt
under control is one way to make your money grow.
C. Save
Another way to
make your money grow is by saving it. Encouragement to saving money is
imaginatively stated in Proverbs 13:22.
Read it for yourself.
An attorney
friend of mine who handled many personal bankruptcy cases first fully analyzed
a client's financial situation. More
often than not he was able to consolidate their debts, arrange their accounts
and payment structure so that not only was filing bankruptcy unnecessary, but
also provided a way for them to start a family saving program! Admittedly, it was usually not much (maybe
only $50 or $100 per month) but it was something. More importantly was an attitude they
developed. Most people want to save, but
they would not think of not paying on their accounts. This attorney advised them to "think of
yourself as one of your creditors."
Such a mindset allowed them to grow their money through savings.
Amazing things
happen to savings which generate interest and accumulate over time. Even with relatively modest amounts, figures
of compound interest are sometimes startling!
Yes it is possible even with an ordinary income to make your money grow
through savings, and leave an inheritance for your children.