The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians
Written from Antioch in A.D. 48
The Roman province of Galatia in modern central Turkey was visited by Paul on his first missionary journey. He established new churches in the most populated cities of the province. Shortly after returning to his home church, Paul heard that a group of Jews called Judaisers had followed in his footsteps, adding to Paul's message of salvation and Christian living by grace through faith the requirement of circumcision and obedience to the Mosaic Law. Paul writes to contrast enslavement to legalism with the life of freedom in Christ.
Chapters 1-2 Paul’s Authority Defended
In defense of Christian liberty, Paul defends his apostolic authority. The Galatians can trust the message they heard from Paul because he received this Gospel from Christ Himself (1:11-12). His authority as an Apostle does not rest on men but God, even though others recognized his apostleship (2:1-10). The news of grace he delivered can be trusted (2:17-21).
Chapters 3-4 Justification by Faith Defended
In defense of Christian liberty, Paul defends the doctrine of justification by faith. Abraham, who was saved by faith not by works, illustrates the principle that salvation comes by grace, not by law (3:6-9). As heirs of the promise given to Abraham, the Galatians should recognize that they have been redeemed from the principle of law (4:1-7). Thus, since they were saved by faith, why should they return to slavery by accepting a system of works (4:21-31)?
Chapters 5-6 Sanctification by Faith Defended
In defense of Christian liberty, Paul defends the doctrine of sanctification by faith. Living under a legalistic code is not consistent with the grace provided by Christ (5:1-12). To answer possible objections of licentious living under such freedom, Paul asserts that this grace life does not give freedom to sin, but to serve (5:13-15). The grace life results in recognizable fruit of the Spirit (5:16-26), including benefits in human relationships (6:1-10).
Key Verse: Galatians 5:1
"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."
Dr. Jay Quine is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., and Ph.D.), the University of Idaho college of Law (J.D.), and Washington State University (B.S.).
Jay A. Quine has served as a pastor for 16 years in Texas, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Jay Quine has served as the Chair of the Master of Divinity Program, and Dean of the College of Biblical Studies at Philadelphia Biblical University. Later, Dr. Jay A. Quine served as a Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Published and honored on multiple levels and in many arenas, Dr. Jay Quine is considered to be a voice of legal authority on issues involving church and para-church Christian institutions.
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Dr. Jay Quine is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., and Ph.D.), the University of Idaho college of Law (J.D.), and Washington State University (B.S.).
Jay A. Quine has served as a pastor for 16 years in Texas, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Jay Quine has served as the Chair of the Master of Divinity Program, and Dean of the College of Biblical Studies at Philadelphia Biblical University. Later, Dr. Jay A. Quine served as a Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Published and honored on multiple levels and in many arenas, Dr. Jay Quine is considered to be a voice of legal authority on issues involving church and para-church Christian institutions.

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